Sarah Schaschek
Sarah Schaschek works as a journalist at DIE ZEIT in Hamburg. She completed a dissertation on the constitutive character of seriality in pornography in 2012 (published as Pornography and Seriality: The Culture of Producing Pleasure, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). In 2014/15, she organized the exposition “Porn That Way“ on the history of non‐heteronormative pornographies at Schwules Museum Berlin. She is a reviewer for the Porn Studies Journal and a regular panel discussion moderator at the PorYes European Feminist Film Awards. Working to make the academic discourse eon seriality and pornography more accessible for a broader audience, she regularly contributes film and television reviews related to gender and sexuality issues to ZEIT ONLINE and DER FREITAG. Her academic interests include the study of gender and sexualities, pop culture and media theory. She studied American Literature and Culture in Bonn, Prague, Berkeley, and Santa Barbara.