In Media Res: Themenwoche „Batman on TV“
Batman on TV
Bildquelle: In Media Res
News vom 05.02.2015
Im Zuge der aktuellen Themenwoche „Batman on TV“ erscheint der Beitrag „Flashback to the Episode: An Example of Intertextuality between Batman: The Animated Series and Batman and Robin Adventures“ von Fabian Grumbrecht am 06.02.2015 auf In Media Res.
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Beiträge der Themenwoche:
Montag, 02. Februar 2015
Ryan Lizardi (SUNY Polytechnic Institute): „No Knight, no flight: Television’s missing Dark Knight and Man of Steel”
Dienstag, 03. Februar 2015
Christopher M. Cox (Georgia State University): „Mite Club: Metatextuality, Fandom, and Media Industry Responses in Batman: The Brave and the Bold”
Mittwoch, 04. Februar 2015
Will Brooker (Kingston University London): „Batgirl and Feminism: the 1972 Equal Pay Act PSA”
Donnerstag, 05. Februar 2015
Matt Yockey (University of Toledo): „The Bright Knight Returns”
Freitag, 06. Februar 2015
Fabian Grumbrecht (Göttingen University): „Flashback to the Episode: An Example of Intertextuality between Batman: The Animated Series and Batman and Robin Adventures”