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Legal Notice

Legal Notice according to § 5 of the TMG / § 55 RStV

Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Straße 16-18
14195 Berlin

The Freie Universität Berlin is a public corporation under the Berlin University Law (§§ 1 and 2, Berliner Hochschulgesetz - BerlHG).

Freie Universität Berlin - represented by the President (§ 52 BerlHG i.V.m. § 56 BerlHG)

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Telefon: +49 30 838-62827
Telefax: +49 30 838-462827
E-Mail-Adresse: maria.sulimma@fu-berlin.de

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The web site of the Freie Universität Berlin is subject to the current copyright law.
Please, take also notice of our disclaimer.

Center für Digitale Systeme

Center für Digitale Systeme

Content Management System
Infopark AG
CMS Fiona