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Radio Interviews and Lecture by Daniel Stein

Bayern 2 - kulturWelt - Aktuelles Feuilleton

Bayern 2 - kulturWelt - Aktuelles Feuilleton

News from Jul 21, 2014

As part of the DFG lecture series exkurs - Einblicke in die Welt der Wissenschaft, Daniel Stein gave a lecture on "Tatort, Simpsons & Co: Serielles Erzählen in der Populärkultur" at the Staatsbibliothek München on July 17, 2014. In connection with this lecture, he discussed television series and serial storytelling in two radio interviews for Deutschlandfunk and Bayrischer Rundfunk. You can listen to these interviews below.

Deutschlandfunk / Bayrischer Rundfunk

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