Prof. Dr. Regina Bendix
Regina Bendix, born 1958, has been professor of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology at the University of Göttingen since 2001. She does research in the fields of cultural heritage, cultural property and tourism, history of knowledge and science, as well as communication studies and the study of folklore which have both informed her interest in popular seriality. She is initiator and spokesperson of the interdisciplinary Research Unit "Cultural Property," funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
During the first funding period of the Popular Seriality Research Unit (2010-2013), Regina Bendix and Kaspar Maase have co-directed the sub-project "Quotidian Integration and Social Positioning of Pulp Novels (Heftromane) and Television Series." During the second funding period (2013-2016), she is directing the sub-project "Writing Series."
For further information about her academic activities and publications click here.