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Out now: 'Complex TV'

News from Mar 25, 2015

The Popular Seriality Research Unit (PSRU) is excited to announce that Jason Mittell’s new book Complex TV: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling is out now. We congratulate Jason who wrote large parts of the monograph while he was a fellow of the PSRU in Göttingen.

From the publisher’s page:

Complex TV offers a sustained analysis of the poetics of television narrative, focusing on how storytelling has changed in recent years and how viewers make sense of these innovations. Through close analyses of key programs, including The Wire, Lost, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, Veronica Mars, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Mad Men the book traces the emergence of this narrative mode, focusing on issues such as viewer comprehension, transmedia storytelling, serial authorship, character change, and cultural evaluation. Developing a television-specific set of narrative theories, Complex TV argues that television is the most vital and important storytelling medium of our time.”

More Information here.

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